All to soon
I find myself wishing the future ever nearer.
I can see myself asking you to
Believe in me!
Today brings me to this point:
I sit here
A great distance from your heart
Further still from the realisation of my dreams.
I do not yet know you
Nor you I
But this matters not.
You see
I am decided in my choice
Sure in my decision.
There can be only one hope
And that hope is now you.
But what makes all this strange
What gives it a surreal tinge
An exciting, exhilarating edge
Is that today
As I sit here writing to you
I ask you to
Believe in me.
You have no reason, no justification
For such a belief.
You perhaps did not even expect
My intrusion upon your time...
But for all my forwardness or foolishness,
Or whatever some would call it
I remain in my little world, looking out,
Towards you.
I have no hold over you
Nor can I ever imagine that possible;
I know nothing of your situation
Nor you mine
But that does not matter.
I know where I am going
I know where this path leads.
Already I know,
Already I am sure;
That is why I ask you to
Believe in me....